The Bradford Water Authority Lands along the western edge of the Tunungwant Water Shed are just the sort of place outdoor enthusiasts look for. Most of the Authority’s 12,000 acres are wooded and contain diverse wildlife. TVTA has established here a system of interconnected hiking trails offering a wide variety of experiences.
GETTING THERE – Centrally located in the trail system is the Marilla Reservoir with paved road access, ample parking, and idyllic scenes. This is the trailhead most used to access all the Watershed Area trails. To reach the Marilla Reservoir and the Marilla Trails from Bradford go west on State Route 346 (West Washington Street). The reservoir is 5.7 miles from the center of town. The dam and reservoir are near the road on the left. A wide road shoulder allows parking well off the road. Additionally, a small parking lot is located 0.2 miles beyond the dam on the left. Extra caution should be used when considering parking in the Upper Parking Lot in winter as the drive down into it is steep.
Two other trailheads with limited parking are available, along Interstate Parkway at the north end of the Indian Pipe Trail and off Forest Road 173 near the south end of Marilla Springs Trail.
Marilla Trails
The Marilla Ridge Road and its connecting trail to Hidden Valley Passage make possible many combinations of trails so hikers can tailor their route to the length, terrain and scenes desired. Marilla Ridge Road is a well-maintained logging road along the ridge above the Marilla Reservoir.
Marilla Rocks Trail makes a great excursion off Marilla Ridge Road. Conglomerate rock formations are there to explore. Look for blue diamond blazes on the west side of the road.
Marilla Overlook Trail is a gentle 0.75-mile connector trail from MariIla Ridge Road to White Pine Trail. The trail ends at a small clearing overlooking Marilla Reservoir. The reservoir is visible in winter but may be obscured at other times.
White Pine Trail is a challenging 1.8-mile path connecting the Bridges Trail and Springs Trail. The three trails make a 3.5-mile loop. The trail follows blue diamonds to the top of the ridge then drops back down to MariIla Brook. As the name indicates, the key features of this trail are majestic old growth white pine trees. TVTA maps provide greater detail on the route of this trail.
Marilla Bridges Trail is a 1-mile loop around MariIla Reservoir. This is perhaps our most scenic trail. The surface is finely crushed stone. The grades are near-level with moderate approaches to the three wooden bridges that cross the feeder streams and the spillway. A gazebo, Madeline’s Birders’ Rest, can be found at the southern end of the loop. This is a great spot to enjoy the surroundings and rest, picnic or gather with friends. The site of the gazebo is also the trailhead of the MariIla Springs Trail. Just across MariIla Brook from the gazebo is the eastern end of the White Pines Trail. It can also be accessed from the MariIla Springs Trail
Marilla Springs Trail is a 3.5-mile point-to-point trail that begins at the gazebo on the Bridges Trail and follows MariIla Brook up stream to its source. From the north side of the reservoir where the parking is it is approximately 1/2-mile to the gazebo going either direction around the Marilla Bridges Trail loop. The surface is a mix of finely crushed limestone and native soil. Grades are moderate. The forest views are terrific.
Trail-head parking is available at the upper end of Marilla Springs Trail off FS 173 (Stickney Lane). To get there from the reservoir travel west on US Route 346 4.8 miles to Forest Road 173. Turn left and travel 3.7 miles to FR 173H on the left. There is limited parking space on FR 173H – do not block the road. Walk down FR 173H for 3/10-mile. A sign marks the beginning of the Marilla Springs Trail descending to the left. This is the junction of the Marilla Springs Trail and Bullis Hollow Trail.
Loop hikes are popular with hikers. A hike can end where it started, no backtracking, no shuttling cars. A Loop hike made by combining two or more trails is even better. It is a great way to sharpen your map reading and orienting skills. Planning is part of the fun. And navigating adds interest to the walk. To make your own route you will need a map. The TVTA web site has topographic maps designed to print well on a home printer. Select a “TOPO MAP” button above. Your browser will show a topographic map in PDF format – print it. Now you can mark your printed copy with the way you plan to go. |
By following the existing Marilla Trails you will have trail markers to follow. It will be up to you to find the trail junctions and to keep yourself oriented. With your marked map and a compass you have what is necessary for navigation. You may want to have a GPS for backup and to record your actual track. Know how to read the map and how to use your navigation tools. Then get out there and hike your own hike. |