Being a Part of It All
We at TVTA are a community of members and volunteers who serve our greater community by contributing our membership dues, donations, memorials, and our time to providing great walking and hiking trails.

MEMBERSHIP – The TVTA builds and maintains local trails for use by Bradford area residents and visitors. We rely on memberships, memorials, donations, fundraisers, and government grants to sustain and grow the trail network. Most government grants require matching funds from local sources. That means grant money is accessible only if we help ourselves by generating local financial support. We depend on you for the continued maintenance and development of our Tuna Valley Trails. Please consider giving $15 or more for a membership or renewal. If you’re already a member, please consider an additional donation. Giving is easy by choosing one of the buttons below to donate either online or by mail. Online payment is through PayPal. It is secure, and you do not need a PayPal account.
ADOPT-A-TRAIL – The Adopt-A-Trail Program offers an opportunity to Join with your neighbors in maintaining our community network of trails. Adopt-A-Trail partners provide occasional light maintenance, clean-up, and scouting of trail conditions. The Tuna Valley Association posts signs recognizing the person, organization, or informal group that has adopted a section of trail. To tell us you are interested in becoming an Adopt-A-Trail partner contact Mark Luciano at 814-558-0171 or email
To see a list of the current Adopt-A-Trail Partners, the trails available for adoption and a sample A-A-T agreement select the button below.

You can now effortlessly support the TVTA while doing your shopping on Amazon! Click the link to the right and do your normal shopping. Amazon will then donate .5% of your purchase to the TVTA!
VOLUNTEERING – In addition to the Adopt-A-Trail Program volunteers often help with TVTA events and other matters. Let us know you are interested in helping by contacting us at Tuna Valley Trail Association. P0 Box 1003. Bradford, PA 16701 or email us at
CORPORATE SPONSORS – Corporations and businesses in the area have found our Corporate Sponsorship Programs an effective way to support the community. Contact the Office of Economic and Community Development at 814-368-71710 ext. 113 or
MEMORIALS – A memorial is a great way to honor someone and aid your community trails at the same time. Contributing funds for a plaque in our Memorial Wall is a popular way to make a memorial. Many other opportunities exist.
Donations can be sent to TVTA at P.O. Box 1003, Bradford, PA 16701, or for more information contact Susan Schenfield at